Improve Hair 由1996年開始營運,我們宗旨就是要在理髮的過程中,為顧客提供準確且實用的護髮訊息。 由於大多數人都只注重面部或身體皮膚護理,卻疏忽護理被頭髮所蓋著的頭皮部份,而導致頭髮質素因營養不足或護理不當而變差。因此,我們為使顧客多加注意頭髮與頭皮,都會選用一些有質素及療效的理護產品予顧客.....

Improve Hair has started operating since 1996, we uphold the belief of which hair care is essential for everybody, and needs attention like how people treat their face. Usually people value their face and body, apply different body care products to moisturise it and prevent it from sun-burnt. However, people neglect the need of taking care of their hair and scalp. Therefore, we provide different treatments for hair care and scalp care.

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